Leila Jewels - New Gifts Coming Soon!

Once upon a time, Leila Jewels was a pretty little shop in Potomac, Maryland known as Leila Fine Gifts and Jewels. Nestled in a bustling shopping center, close to a Starbucks and an Italian restaurant, we sold unique jewelry in one half of the space, and fun, funky and unusual gifts in the other half.
Unfortunately that shop closed its doors several years ago. To this day, though, I get stopped on the street, and get wistful emails from people who remember my little shop fondly. They tell me that they miss it, and wish it were still there. You could always find the perfect gift there, they say.... why don't you re-open it?
Well, that's easier said than done! and when the pandemic hit I was glad that we had closed before everything shut down. But now that people are back to work, traveling, having parties and going out, I see a need for gifts - and a fun place to buy them.
So little by little I have been adding some fun gifts back into the mix. Watch this space for more great gifts you'll love to give!
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